Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Preparation Day #3 and #4

Today is Wednesday October 12th and I am 1.5 days away from beginning the Big Trip. Much of Monday night had me at Target gathering items and supplies I will be taking with me to Nepal. Cliff bars, long underwear, batteries for headlamp and for maglite.......etc. I was also dealing with getting the car ready for the winter, replaced the wiper blades, had the brake fluid flushed, and the tires aligned, from there Janelle and I will wait to have the oil changed when I return in December.  Yesterday I was organizing with my lists and making sure all of my paperwork was in one place. This morning I will travel back down to the International Currency exchange for the Nepal rupees they had to order for me. I will be taking $100 worth to start, which should last me a siginficant amount of time. The exchange rate as of this morning (October 13th) is $1.00=77Nepal Rupees.  The family I will be staying with is a couple with their three children and I think the father's mother lives with them as well. He is a teacher too and it sounds as if I will be assisting him in some capacity and in others teaching on my own. The name of this father: Megh Bahadur Dahal and he and his family live 10 KM (6.2 miles) outside of Katmandhu in the town of Jitpur Phedi population of 4000.  Here is a link showing where the town sits:  Google Maps showing the Location of JitpurPhede, Nepal   Today I must also forge ahead with sorting and packing and making decisions on what is necessary and what can be bought once I land. 5:00 flight tomorrow, taking me to London, which then takes me to Bahrain which is in the Persian Gulf right beside Quatar and, the larger country of Saudi Arabia: Wikipedia Article on Bahrain  From there I will have a third flight to Kathmandu. I must register with the US Government today.


  1. Thanks for taking care of all of that car stuff for me:). Maybe you could add the docs with the pictures of your host family to your blog?

  2. Hi Thomas....I'll be winging my way with you in spirit as you fly to Nepal and settle in to a very different culture and place. I liked the pics you posted about where you will be living. I know this will be an enormously rewarding experience for you, and there will be surprises---mostly good!
    I look forward to following your adventures.
