Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Evening of October 12th: Packing

Jellybean was a huge help with me and the packing this evening. She made this trip in 2008 and was able to lead me through the lay of the land when finally placing all of my belongings into suitcases.  A trick she used, and I will be using as well, is packing everything in huge plastic bags, laying everything flat in the bags, zipping the bags closed ("blue and yellow make green" if anyone remembers that commercial) then rolling the bags so that air escapes through the vents in the rear of the bag, essentially hermetically sealing the clothes.
Wiped completely clean the hooks within the hall closet of all of my baseball caps, so many of them I no longer wear and the word is the children in Nepal love baseball caps. And who wouldn't. Incidentally, while finalizing some to-do lists this evening I have been watchinng the Tigers and Rangers bangin heads in the 11th tied up again, game 4.  Playoff baseball has been really good this year and has accompanied me in each day of preparation for this trip as if it were an older brother.  Tomorrow "we gone" and for some reason I have been hummin' the old Jerry Reed song "East Bound and Down".  YouTube Clip of Jerry Reed's "Eastbound and Down"

1 comment:

  1. SOOOO excited for you Thomas! I will be following your every step and loving living through your eyes on this incredible journey!!


